
this is my first official page.And i am mirasol luaton.
this page will gave you some information to be a simple but girly looks and style.
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Everybody is beautiful in their own special way

We girls really love fashion and it is our happiness that some boys can`t understand.wear what you want.dress what you want. but always be yourself.


*Choose a dress that make you feel comfortable,simple but still GORGEOUS.
*Match your dress or your outfit rather in the occasions.

Hair style

*Next,choose a hairstyle that match in your dress.If it`s a simple dress then you need to bunn your hair and put some flowers.
*You can also loose your hair,make it curly,straigth but always just be you.

Lipstick on

*We girls love make-up. But like hair style you need to match it too. If it is simple then go ahead.Get a powder/foundation and lipstick only.
*You can also put some blush on,liquid eye and contact lense.

wear what you want.

sometimes what you dress describes your personality.


*The cool one.A lot of girls using/wearing this kind of outfit. We are also selling this cool outfit for those girls not wearing dress.You can wear and enjoy it in 2.000 pesos only.

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*The elegant ones. This outfit can make you gorgeous too.Some of girls wearing elegant dress just to make them comfortable.And we also have the stock and selling this kind of outfit. You can roam whatever or wherever you want,in just 3.500 you can have it all.

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why girls love fashion and make-up?

simple,because boys in love with the girls have a pretty face so they are using/wearing make-ups.but some of the girls really love fashion and make-up in no reason.


Some girls want to be perfect or beautiful in two reasons.The first one is they want to express thereselves rather there personalities.The second was they want to prove themselves to their ex-boyfriend that they are also important and strong without him.


Girls really love fashion. Girls does not have to be nice for the boys and to make them look attractive. They wear ouifit because they want to look pretty and presentable.

Your Beautiful!

Go girl! Where what you want!if theyre got mad/angry at you then let them be. Don`t let insicures down you and destroy your day.Stand straight ,Chin up,wear your smile,maintain your posture and kill `em with kindness.That`s the best gift for the all insicures.

sit still look pretty.

Beauty is not flawsless,it shines even through your flaws.and you  are beautiful nobody has the right to make you feel like you`re not. prove them!
Always remember that Look like a girl. Act like a lady. Think like a man and Work like a boss. Thankyou!